Thursday, September 29, 2011

Changing focus

It's been a dark place in my head lately, and I've been trying to drive away the negative thoughts by focusing on what I have instead of what we've had taken from us. But it occurred to me that I should be grateful also for what I have had, because it's more than many ever get. Something that popped into my head along these lines was a t-shirt I saw a while back that featured two smokin' women and a beefcake guy all entangled with one another while shooting the camera sultry looks. Above the pic it said "POLYAMORY" and below it read "It doesn't always look like this". It was underscoring the point that most poly people are just average folks. After all not every married couple looks like Brad and Angelina either!

But it occurs to me that I DID have that experience. Shortly after we met, Ginger started modeling. Just for fun Mary Ann would sometimes drive her to the shoots. Every time Mary Ann would be offered work as model as well. These were two very hot and sexy women (And still are)! And yet they are both smart, capable, dedicated, loyal, and yes, obedient.

I also think of all the people we know that are not still together. Kinky OR vanilla, the relationship attrition rate is nasty! And yet we have faced much more difficult circumstances than any of them have, and we are still together. I realize most people will never have what I have had, and I realize that I need to stop whining and appreciate that. I know there will still be days when depression attacks, but it's one more tool to use to fight back.

Things on the home front are holding steady. I can't start the courses for the degree I want until January, so that sucks. I may take welding in the meantime, which has nothing at all to do with the degree I want, but would be a handy skill to have. We seem to be making it on the seriously downsized income so far (Keeping fingers crossed). Ginger has been getting frustrated by a project at work, but I snuck in to help her make up some time and we figured out some of the issues together. She tested the latest piece she built today and it's working now. She also volunteers with the homeless through a local community program, and the program volunteers seem to have accepted us since we were invited to dinner at the bosses house. They want our help with their next project and they have hinted they'd like me to drive one of their trucks sometimes. Ginger and I both miss Mary Ann but she is coming home next week.

In fact she left to come home today, but will spend a couple days with her parents to see her niece before getting here. Big change with her to report. As I mentioned earlier Ginger is ex military and she inherited guns a few years ago. She keeps them in a gun safe in the house, and for a long time belonged to a gun club where she could go shoot. Mary Ann has always feared guns though, and when we married I sold all mine but one pellet gun, and that I store in My father-in-laws gun case at his home. Mary Ann does have a bold and daring side. For instance she was scared of my motorcycles when we met, but she learned to ride her own motorcycle after we married and I even got her one of her own. She has on occasion been known to down Hot Damn liquor faster than I drink my rum. And of course living our lifestyle is not for the faint-hearted! She's been staying with a cousin these last weeks, and her cousin's redneck hunter of a husband had been talking to her about how guns, like motorcycles, are just machines. Dangerous and deserving of respect yes, but not to be feared. But I was not prepared for her to call me a couple of days ago and tell me she had agreed to go skeet shooting, much less that she had hit her first target and moved up to a BIGGER RIFLE!! I'm already looking for a gun club and have told Ginger to find out what it takes to legally carry the guns. I want to encourage this. And once again my ladies defy the stereotypes the vanillas put on submissive women. I may be the scary one at 6'4" and 300 pounds, but it turns out I'm the meekest and least dangerous one in the house! Once more I point out that if you piss off my Ladies what I do to you will be the least of your problems!

In honor of this achievement I am including the video for what has long been a favorite song of mine. Who knew it would turn out to be so apropos?

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